Limited Liability PartnershipPartnershipSole Proprietorship
Capital ContributionPartners ContributionPartners ContributionOwner Contribution
Owner of EntityPartners can be Malaysian citizen or foreignerThe owner must be a Malaysian citizen or permanent resident of MalaysiaThe owner must be a Malaysian citizen or permanent resident of Malaysia
Max no. of OwnerMore than 2 persons and no maximum limitMore than 2 persons(but not more than 20 persons)Single person
Legal StatusSeparate legal entityPartnersSole Proprietor
Responsible person to business managementPartnersPartnersSole Proprietor
Statutory Audit RequirementNo complusoryNoNo
Company Secretary/Compliance officerYes, Compliance OfficerNoNo
Income tax status and rateOn 17% on 1st RM600,000 and 24% on next RM600,000 onwardsTax on Personal

Scale rate from 0% to 30%

Tax on Personal

Scale rate from 0% to 30%