Accounting Service

JMT Corporate Advisory Sdn Bhd
is an accounting firm in Johor Bahru provides accounting service to companies or businesses in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. All of our firm accountants are chartered and approved by ACCA and which are the experts at accounting standards like SST (Sales and Services Tax) in Malaysia. Over the years, we are outsourced with accounting works by over hundreds of small and medium enterprises across different regions based in Malaysia.
Our Services
The first step of accounting is bookkeeping, our latest SST accounting software will also assist you on day to day bookkeeping work, helping you to easily record any financial activity happens in your company, and when enough data gathered you will be able to review every financial activity recorded in a summarized statistical way for decision making purpose.
Company Financial Health
Aside from the compliance duty which we carry out on annual submission of your company financial statement to SSM (Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia), our accounting service will also help you fully understand on your company financial activities. We will help you to understand your company’s revenue, purchases, receivables, payables, assets, liabilities thoroughly then further advise on your company’s financial position based on our accounting analysis.
Professional Practice
Our accounting firm is also a registered member with MIA (Malaysia Institute of Accountants) and a licensed GST tax agent approved by RMCD (Royal Malaysian Customs Department). Our accounting firm also in compliance with the approved financial reporting standards such as (Malaysian Private Entities Reporting Standard) and MRFS (Malaysian Financial Reporting Standards), both standards are issued by MASB (Malaysian Accounting Standards Board) and is/are required by SSM when lodging annual financial statement.
Financial Statements & Service Content
We provide professional accounting service, the provision of financial statement and advisory will not be absensed. Following are the contents will be delivered to your company as part of our service, including but not limited to:
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