Yes, by ‘Section 235 (1) of Companies Act 2016’, at least one ‘Company Secretary’ must be appointed in the company.
Company Secretary Service FAQ
Is ‘Company Secretary’ a secretary?
The ‘Company Secretary’ is neither clerical nor secretarial. Instead, the role of ‘Company Secretary’ is more oriented towards company conduct governance and advisory, which is a high level senior position in a private limited company or public company.
What are the responsibilities of company secretary?
Ensuring company’s compliance with companies act 2016
Who is a company secretary?
He or she must be a Malaysian whose age is over or equal to 18, with recognition from professional bodies such as
- The Malaysian Association of The Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (MAICSA)
- Malaysian Association of Company Secretaries
- The Malaysian Bar
- The Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA)
- Malaysian Association of Certified Public Accountants (MACPA)
- The Sabah Law Association and The Advocates’ Association of Sarawak.
Professionally Recognized by: